• Murphy是一位电视明星,他被好莱坞高管打造成了一个安全的“垃圾机器”。
  • When a fracking environmental accident rips apart the earth's crust, the resulting hole lets out prehistoric sharks from underground. The sharks target  a group of women and trap them in a cabin.
  • Murphy is a mega-famous canine TV star who is fed up with being treated like a 'cash-machine' by Hollywood executives. He escapes and a group of loving kids save him.
  • 商场出于安全考虑,引进了三架非常先进的机械人保护者,让他们晚上来巡逻商场,他们非常能干,且刀枪不入。 可是某天晚上,打雷烧坏机械人的电脑,于是机器人失去了控制,而商场里有3对男女在开疯狂PARTY,于是他们遭到了3台机器人的追杀.....